Wodonga Life Activities Club Inc
Wodonga Life Activities Club
Secretary Trish Gardner Treasurer Terry Kerr
Committee Vice President Jan Kowarzik; Elizabeth Rose Members Co-ordinator; Sandra McIntosh Activities Co-ordinator; Committee; Heather Paech; Lyn Frichot; Lesley Woods; Barclay Dowling
email: membership@lifewodonga.org.au
PO. Box 738, Wodonga 3689
Regular Weekly Activities
Monday Mah-jong Free. Held at the Wodonga Golf Club commencing at 1pm. If you don’t know how to play someone will be happy to teach you. Please book on the system.
Monday Line Dancing is at the Senior Citizens Hall Havelock Street Wodonga commencing at 5:30pm. The cost is $12 and runs for one hour. This is a Beginners Class and is easy to learn. Please book on the system. No Dancing till the 10th of February.
Wednesday Cards and Games are held at the Wodonga Golf Club commencing at 1pm. Join in different games or bring your own. Lots of fun. On the second Wednesday of the month the members meet at 12pm for lunch. You will need to book on the system for both.
Wednesday Cornhole at the Wodonga Bowling Club at 7pm. This is a new activity and is very easy for the senior age group. The cost is $10. No Cornhole till the 8th of January.
Friday Mah-jong. is held at the Wodonga Golf Club commencing at 1:15pm but you need to be there a bit earlier. You must book on the system. On the first Friday of the month members have lunch at 12pm You will need to book on the system for lunch as well.
Friday Walking Group: The group meets at the BBQ area at Sumsion Gardens every Friday at 8:00am for a forty five-minute walk. This walk is suitable for all levels of activity. Following the walk, you can share a hot cuppa and a chat. Bring your own. Please book on the system.
Regular Monthly Activities
On the first Tuesday of the Month, we have Birthday Card Making at Elizabeths at 9:30am. You need to book on the system so as we have enough chairs.
Thursday the third day of the month is the Committee Meeting held at Elgin’s Tavern commencing at 10:30am however those who wish to can also meet at 12pm for lunch after the meeting. All members are welcome to attend. You must book for the meeting and separately for lunch
Tuesday the last day of the month is Twisted Stitches at Helens at 9:30am. Please book on the system so we have enough chairs.
Friday the 6th lunch is at the Wodonga Golf Club at 12pm. Please book on the system.
Tuesday the 3rd we are making birthday cards at Elizabeth’s. Easy instructions to follow. You still need to book on the system.
Wednesday the 11th is our Christmas Party at the Wodonga Golf Club. Come along for our last official function for the year. The cost is $37 for a two-course meal and a free beer, wine or soft drink. Kris Kringle to the value of $10. Dress up 60’s if you wish Book and pay on the system.
Thursday the 12th is the Monthly Committee Meeting at Elgin’s Tavern commencing at 10:30am. All members are welcome to attend. You will need to book on the system.
Thursday the 12th we have Lunch at Elgin Tavern at 12pm. Everyone is welcome. They do have a Senior’s menu. Please book on the system.
Saturday the 14th the Fruit Fly Circus has a free show at the Lincoln Causeway commencing at 10am. Please book on the system if you would like to meet up with Lesley and attend this show.
Sunday the 15th we have the Wodonga Carols by Candlelight at Willow Park commencing at 6:30pm with the main event at 7:30pm. Bring a picnic or purchase food at the venue. Candles also available. Please book on the system so we keep an eye out for you.
Monday the 16th the Line Dancers are having their Christmas Party at the Stump at 5:30pm. If you are a Line Dancer and have let Kaye know you are coming book on our system, so we know who is coming as well.
Tuesday the 17th the Stump has their Christmas Party at Morning Melodies. This is the last one for the year. The cost is $20 for a two-course meal and entertainment with Cullum Gleeson. Please book on the system and pay on the day.
Wednesday the 18th we will have lunch at the Wodonga Golf Club at 12pm. Please book on the system so Trish knows how many to book for.
Tuesday the 31st New Years Eve is at the Commercial Club downstairs in the Zodiac Lounge commencing with Ash Kennedy from 5:15pm and Bob the Muso from 9pm. This is free but we need to be early to get a table. Meals can be purchased from the Café. You will need to book on the system.
Tuesday the 31st you have a choice at the Commercial Club upstairs with a Rock N Roll night entertained by the COBRA 45’S. This is dress up if you wish. The cost is $15 paid when you book on the system. There are light meals able to be purchased.
January the 3rd Mahjong Lunch at the Wodonga Golf Course at 12pm. Please book on the system.
Wednesday the 8th we have lunch at the Wodonga Golf Club at 12pm. All welcome. You will need to book on the system.
Tuesday the 14th we have dinner the Phaboonchi Restaurant Beechworth Road at 6pm. Great food. BYO drinks. Please book on the system
Thursday January the 16th is the Monthly Committee Meeting at 10:30am. All members are welcome. Please book on the system.
Thursday the 16th we have lunch at Elgin’s Tavern at 11:45. You will still need to book on the system. All members are welcome.
Sunday the 26th of January we celebrate Australia Day at the Commercial Club with Danny Phegan and Rodney Vincent commencing at 10:30am. The cost is $10. Don’t leave it too late to book on the system.
Tuesday the 28th we are back at Twisted Stitches at Helens at 9:30am. Please book on the system
Monday the 10th we are back at Line Dancing at the Seniors Citizens Hall commencing at 5:30pm. We will all be beginners again, so everyone is welcome the cost is $12 for an hour lesson paid when you get there. Please book on the system.
Tuesday the 4th we are at Elizabeths making birthday cards for our members. Not hard, lots of fun. Please make sure you book on the system. Wednesday the 5th we have Shirley Valentine in Melbourne leaving on the train at 6:55.
Friday the7th of February, we have lunch at the Wodonga Golf Club commencing at 12pm. All members who book on the system are welcome.
Tuesday the 11th we are off to Eddies Tavern for dinner commencing at 6pm. Great meals. Please book on the system.
Wednesday the 12th we are at lunch at the Wodonga Golf Club at 12pm. Everyone is welcome. Please book on the system.
Saturday the 14th we have a Trivia Night at the Emanual Church Hall commencing at 7pm. Bring a small plate for supper. You need tp book on the system ASAP.
Tuesday the 18th we are back at the Stump for Morning Melodies. Still $20 for a two-course meal and entertainment with Anthony Tenace. You need to be there by 11:45. Please book on the system.
Thursday the 20th is the Committee Monthly Meeting at Elgin’s Tavern at 10:30am. All members are welcome to attend. You need to book on the system.
Thursday the 20th we have lunch at Elgin’s Tavern at 11:45am. All members are welcome. Please book on the system.
Sunday the 23rd we are at Soden’s Hotel in Albury at 12pm for lunch. Please book on the system so we know how many to book for.
Tuesday the 25th we have Twisted Stitches at Helen’s at 9:30am. Don’t forget to book on the system.
Friday the 7th we have lunch at the Wodonga Golf Club at 12pm. Please book on the system.
Tuesday the 11th we are driving to Sandy Creek for a BBQ Lunch at Linda and John’s farm. Always a great day. Please book on the day.
Wednesday the 12th we have Lunch at the Wodonga Golf Club at 12pm. All welcome. Please book on the system.
Friday the 14th Camping at Nagambie Caravans and Cabins. There may still be vacancies so give them a ring and then book on the system.
Monday the 17th Saint Pats Day . We are celebrating at Willow Park with Games and pizzas. Please book on the system so Helen knows how many pizzas to order.
Tuesday the 18th we have Morning Melodies at the Stump Hotel commencing at 11:45. A Two course meal and entertainment with Rodney Vincent for only $18. You must book on the system.
Thursday the 20th is the monthly committee at Elgin’s Tavern at 10:30am. All members are welcome to attend. Please book on the system.
Thursday the 20th we have lunch at Elgin’s Tavern at 11:45am. Please book on the system.
Wednesday the 26th we are dining at the Public House at 6pm. We also have a speaker from Hello World explaining up and coming travel trips. Please book on the system.
Saturday the 29th we are travelling by train to Melbourne for the Melbourne Flower Show. Please book on the system ASAP
Norfolk Island in August. You may be able to book but not at the same price. Contact me for details.
These are just some of the activities you can attend. Check your emails regularly as there are often more activities added as they come up.
We love to be out and about enjoying life. Don’t sit at home. Lots to do. Join in. Book in. Keep Cool.
Cheers Sandra